Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Camp Life 2009!

I am so excited because my husband has given the green light for Grace and me to head back to Zambia next summer. I am still not sure how we will pay for it, but we have been able to use miles, so that will really help. I have always loved consistency in long term relationships. I couldn't imagine not being able to be with my girls again since I have invested my heart. I know this will probably be the last time for a good while, but it will be worth it..Don't you want to go with us???

Friday, October 24, 2008

Who is the orphan, the lost sheep?

I am still trying to get this blog set up the way I want it, so I have been distracted! One of the things I realized when I came back was that although I went to encourage the orphan and help the "lost sheep" find their savior, I was the one who was truly blessed. Tom Davis wrote a book about God's love for the orphans. In the intro I believe, he states that we are all orphans, widows and aliens. We are orphans, adopted by our heavenly Father. We are widows, waiting for our bridegroom, Christ. We are aliens in a foreign land, waiting for our true home, heaven. It was like God sent me to Zambia because I needed to experience that intimate fellowship with the Lord that we can experience when we aren't distracted with "life" at home. That closeness that I felt made me long for heaven, for my bridegroom. So, I am the orphan who is forever grateful for my adoption! I am the lost sheep who has been rescued by my Shepherd! Thank you Lord.

Friday, June 27, 2008

Friday, June 20, 2008

To Zambia and back!

After waiting for three years, my daughter and I returned to Zambia to take part in Family Legacy Missions International's Camp Life 2008.  Our trip was more than we could have hoped for and more than I will ever be able to explain to someone who wasn't there.  But I feel compelled to share what I learned and what I saw in hopes of motivating others to either go themselves or to become involved in helping these precious children.  As an American who lives in the lap of luxury by the world's standards, it is very hard to see the orphaned and hungry children on the news and have much more than a general sympathy for their plight.  You just change the channel and move on.  There are so many----how could I really help anyway?  But when you have sat with them, heard their heart-wrenching stories, wiped their tears, shared meals with them and come to love them....Well, then they become not just a mass of hurting children, but individuals with names and families and personalities.  They become your friends.  How can you then go back to your comfortable life and turn on the tv to watch some silly sitcom?  You have to do something to help your new friends who are counting on you.  So here I am, starting a blog as a total newbie who has no writing talent.  Hoping you will catch a glimpse of my girls and either pray for them or maybe even sponsor them.  Thanks for checking in on us!